DCP Instagram: what does it mean?
DCP Instagram: what does it mean?

DCP Instagram : You’ve seen it on the Instagram stories of your favorite influencers or friends but you don’t know what it means. 

The acronym DCP means “I say what I think” and is one of the new words that have been coined thanks to social networks. Very often it is associated with the word “vote” and is used in polls on Instagram stories.

Now that we have told you what DCP means on Instagram, let’s first see how surveys are carried out.

To create a survey on Instagram what you need to do is open the application, press on the camera icon at the top left and you will see that the camera will open so you can create an Instagram story.

At this point, decide how to craft your story. You can simply press create and a background will automatically be created, which you can modify by choosing the color you prefer. After that, press the square-shaped icon that you will find in the top bar and in the screen that opens, choose the survey option.

By clicking on it, you can write the text you prefer in place of the words ask a question, while instead of the words yes and no you can write DCP on one side, or tell me what I think, and on the other I vote.


DCP on Instagram: what is it


Teens use two popular methods  to gain opinions and approval  through Instagram Stories. These tools allow you to express opinions about users and facilitate the creation of new connections, often giving rise to online romances and flirtations.

It is important not to underestimate the importance of these features, but you should also consider that they can lead to receiving negative feedback and offensive comments.

To make polls more fun, you have the option to post photos or videos in real time or select content from your gallery. You can even create quizzes to capture users’ attention.

If you are a content creator or marketer, you can engage users by asking them to make choices between different options, such as which product they prefer between two alternatives.

The possibilities are many and allow you to interact creatively with your audience, making your stories more engaging and interesting.


How to vote DCP on Instagram


Now that you know what DCP means on Instagram, you can easily use it in a survey. Here’s how you can see user responses and share your favorites in your stories:

You can check the total number of users who participated in the survey, as well as how many voted for “DCP” and how many for “Vote.”

To view the answers, follow these steps:

  • open the Instagram app and tap your profile icon to access your stories;
  • To see who saw your story and took the poll, tap the eye icon in the bottom left.

A screen will open showing the total number of votes received, and under “Views,” you will find a list of users who viewed the story and voted in the poll. Each user will have the type of response given next to them.


How to respond to DCPs on Instagram


If you want to share a user’s response to your survey, tap “Share Results.” Automatically, a new story will be created showing the result of the poll. After that, publish the story and you will see that it will share the user’s response.

This way, you can easily engage your audience, view survey results, and share responses interactively through your Instagram Stories.

It is important to remember that, as with all stories on Instagram, polls also last 24 hours. After this period, they will only be visible to you if you have saved the story in the Instagram archive. However, if you want your survey to remain available for a longer period of time, you can do so by adding the story to your “Featured Stories.” This way, the story will be placed high on your profile and will remain visible even after the 24 hour period.

Now that you know what DCP is on Instagram, you know how to create polls in your stories, how to check the results obtained and share them, you are ready to experiment and have fun with this interesting feature offered by Instagram. It’s an excellent way to engage your audience and gather opinions on various topics.


Creative ideas to grow your followers on Instagram


In your research into DCP Instagram meaning, you now have the chance to discover how to create engaging content that captures attention, demonstrating both your creativity and professionalism on Instagram. If you are looking for social media growth, then Buy Instagram Followers Singapore best place for you.

It is a platform that can bring you popularity and success, but only if you are able to seize the right opportunities.

Here are some creative ideas for engaging your audience and increasing interaction, including better understanding your audience:

  • Leverage Insights:  Use Insights to gather valuable information about your audience, such as purchasing habits, lifestyle and personal interests. You can also ask direct questions to your audience to gain insights into your audience;
  • real-time marketing:  real-time marketing allows you to follow the tastes of your followers in real time. Engage your audience in the debate on current topics such as sporting events or competitions, collecting their feedback to better understand who they are and what they expect from you;
  • poll stickers:  use poll stickers to compare two products, which can be items you sell in your online store or simple everyday objects. This method not only stimulates interaction with your followers but also attracts new users to your profile;
  • Interactive quizzes:  Create interactive quizzes to engage your audience. Quizzes encourage your followers to actively participate and interact with your profile, driven by curiosity to know the results of the quizzes you propose.
  • By taking advantage of these strategies, you can create engaging content and build an active and involved community around your Instagram profile. Remember that understanding your audience and offering interesting content is essential to maintaining and increasing your level of interaction on Instagram.


  • DCP Instagram: this is why it has strategic significance


  • We’ve given you a detailed explanation of what DCP means on Instagram and how to create engaging content like stories and polls for your audience.
  • Instagram polls are an ideal option if you want to generate engaging content that directs your followers to your Instagram profile and encourages them to interact with it. A high level of user interaction corresponds to a high engagement rate, which, from a marketing point of view, can translate into concrete opportunities for collaboration with brands and other influencers.
  • DCP on Instagram means creating highly interactive content that stimulates interaction from your followers, arousing their curiosity and demonstrating your creativity in creating such content. Instagram stories and polls, if done strategically, can emotionally engage your followers and push them to interact with them, increasing engagement.
  • In surveys, you also have the option to promote a web link to drive traffic to a website. This can be your own e-commerce site where you sell products or services, or an affiliate link from an affiliate program from which you can earn profits.
  • This guide highlights the importance of interactivity and how it impacts your business on Instagram. A high engagement rate can lead to partnership and sponsorship opportunities, and is directly related to the quality and quantity of interactive content such as surveys that you offer to your audience.
  • Plan carefully, take advantage of your creativity and the analytical data provided by Instagram, such as Insights. Gather information, plan your strategy, review data and make the most of your Instagram profile.
  • In the blog section on social networks here on Visibility Pack you will find many other really useful contents to boost your profile, whether private or business. If you want to climb to the top of the top accounts, also find out how  to Buy Instagram followers .